Auditory feedback
Since the app is intended for visually impaired and blind people, visual feedback for actions is not a reliable solution. Therefore, auditory feedback is required to inform the user of any change, options or the current state of a feature. In particular, this feedback is essential for the user to be informed of actions that may have mistakenly or wrongfully been performed, for example, through accidentally touching the tactile interface and thus initiating an action or because a given voice command may have been misunderstood.
CHANGE OF ACTIVITY: Whenever a new activity is opened, its name is stated out loud by the app
VOICE CONTROL BUTTON: As per system default, activating and deactivating the microphone also plays a sound, which indicates that the microphone is now ‘listening’ or has stopped ‘listening.
FEEDBACK ON ACTIONS: After an action is performed, whether through tactile or speech input, the app narrates the action. For example, when the theme setting has been changed.
INFORMATION: If the user requests, the app will describe the current state of any feature in place of visual cues (such as coloring). Examples include listing all items on the grocery list that still need to be added to the shopping cart.